Massive day of West Seattle garage sales

Posted by Meghan in Junk In My Trunk, Sale Tales | 7 Comments

Back in May 2007 (when the blog was like a newborn baby) Jenny and I spent a wonderful sunny day in West Seattle at their annual garage sale day (and both of us wrote about it). For a while we weren’t sure if it was going to happen this year, but then we found out it was on.

Let me start with the simple fact that I am 100% sick of starting each blog talking about the weather! I feel like some demented farmers almanac. With that said, at 8:00 am it was full on raining. Call me crazy, but I hate damp books and wet tarps. With Jenny out of town, I invited occasional guest star Leslie to come help me navigate the supposed 100+ sales.

Leslie and I started out with coffee and no map, but we hit the main drag and just started following signs. We hit 3 complete duds, then found a Kiwanis Club sale.

Kiwanis sale

O.K., the photo doesn’t look that great, but it did have some hidden treasures.

The sun started to come out and we hit tons of sales over the next couple of hours. The 11th annual alley sale … that was bad.

11th Annual Alley Block Sale

Next was a sale spread out all around a corner.

Corner sale

It was there that I saw the most gigantic box of hot sauce. When I asked the seller about it, he said that people started to think he collected different hot sauces and would bring him different types until it took over his kitchen.

Enormous box of hot sauce

I wanted to buy one of these child’s pony rides, but even for $10 I knew that I had no place for them.


We hit a sale at the large driveway next to Hotwire Coffee. Found nothing good and one guy was selling food from his kitchen. This reminded me of the box of Hamburger Helper from this winter. Leslie made some comment about how people should just donate more items to the food bank.

West Seattle driveway sale

We had to take a break at 12:30 to get some lunch at Zippy Burger. Yum!

One of my favorite items of the day was seeing this broken nudie playboy bunny glass sitting in a planter.

Nudie glass in planter

Leslie seemed almost freaked out at how much she had purchased, since she usually doesn’t end up buying much. At one sale she purchased a blond Heywood Wakefield block shelf! Also, I have requested that she do a book report for us on the Magic Farm book (I think you can see it in the trunk photo) that she purchased. We hit about 60 sales and knocked off around 1:30.

Junk In My Trunk 5-10-08

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