Boats, chairs, and cigarette cookbooks

Posted by Meghan in Sale Tales | 5 Comments

Yeah, it seems like we haven’t been going to sales and that is only half right. Jenny is on a no-purchasing freeze and I have been out of town or had house guests the last few weeks. I even missed my favorite church sale, since they randomly decided to start it on Thursday this year. I did some thrifting in Boise, Idaho, and I thought it would be great, but it seemed really picked over.

Here are a few things I did see out at sales a couple of weeks ago.

Sale under the flags

An entire boat filled with stuff. This seems like an “only in Seattle” sort of thing …

Boatload of stuff

Pile of lawn chairs.

You pick!

Butterfly rugs.

Butterflu rugs

Pretty bad looking “free stuff” across the street from a sale.

Couch, chair, bins

A sale that was all cookbooks. No, really. Four tarps of just cookbooks.

Book spread

Here is the one item that caught my eye: Benson & Hedges 100’s Presents 100 of the World’s Greatest Recipes by James Beard. Do you think that the foodie folks that tout the James Beard Awards have this in their kitchen?

Benson & Hedges/James Beard cookbook

It was a bust of a day, so no trunk shot.

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