My husband and I spent about 15 days in Australia for our honeymoon. I thought maybe we would go thrifting or something, but 9 days in we hadn’t done much but eat and walk on the beach.
When we arrived at our friends house in Lennox Head, NSW, their entire place was a tiki shrine and they told us about some of their scores around the area. They mentioned that usually they don’t get many sales, but if I wanted to get up early and hit some sales they would drive us around.
One thing I did think was cool was their local weekend paper listed all the garage sales, then they created a check list that you could rip out and work out what you wanted to hit.
They don’t have many. All told we hit four sales, including a Masonic Hall rummage sale.
It was all pretty normal, with the exception of this sale where they had wall to wall carpet inside the garage!
I have seen folks slap down some nasty carpet remnants, but professional carpet in the garage… that’s a new one.
I would love to tell you about the bounty, but how do you get stuff home with the new weight restrictions on the plane? Or packing … In the end, all I purchased was a magazine for 50 cents for the plane ride home — seemed like a good saving with most magazines running around $8.
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