I had hit some sales on Memorial Weekend, which usually feels like a bust and not many sales with folks going out of town and holding BBQ’s. I had meant to do a quicky post, but instead will share this photo.
I did have a pretty wacky Saturday last weekend. It was the Whittier Heights Neighborhood yard sale.
I have done this sale a few times alone and it’s great in the fact that you don’t need a map or your smart phone. There are enough signs that you can just meander around and find sales.
I felt badly that I purchased something here and she didn’t have any change and then I forgot to go back and pick up the item when I did have change – I remembered the next day. Rats.
I hit a few sales, I think I purchased a book and some work clothing, nothing all that exciting.
I didn’t buy these paintings, but I liked them.
I met this dog at another sale. He was carrying around his own leash and acting like he owed the place.
Then I hit this sale filled with dolls and sewing stuff.
I was happy to get some really nice 1930s sewing patterns. I also picked some vintage quilting fabric from the 40s.
I stopped by the Ballard High Glee club sale (or maybe it was the Drama club) and that turned out to be a bust.
I am going to go out on a limb here and say that most sales run at schools that kids put on are pretty bad. I don’t need your worn out pants from last year … especially if you haven’t grown out of size 2.
Here is where things start to get a bit more wacky. I stopped at a sale that said entire contents, but it wasn’t listed as an estate sale, but it became clear pretty quickly that it was a full on woman that had passed away. She also hadn’t tossed anything away since 1974. It wasn’t hoarding exactly, but the house was very packed.
I wasn’t really finding anything … until I found around $85 in a box. This has never happened to me before! The two ladies running the sale seemed very flustered when I gave them the money back.
As I was leaving some guy mentioned that I need to check out “Candle Land.” I’m not sure what that is, but it sounds scary …
This is the first thing that I saw: the Cool-Dana.
Yes, it’s the cool you down bandana. I have no idea when this is from, but “Wow … That’s Cool.â€
Right next to that was this Sardine puzzle.
And then the joke that never gets old in my house -– the Norwegian joke!
You don’t have those in your house? Well, this is Ballard, the home to so many folks from Sweden, Scandinavia and Norway.
And then this — the Dog-O-Matic!
Let me just say that I hadn’t even made it into the basement yet! There were old cosmetics, novelty items, kitchen items, tools. Vintage Geritol from 1971! You get the idea. I snagged a 1960s hammock.
I did not snag this amazing cat toy, but I did remember it from the 1970s.
Here is what some of “Candle Land” looked like.
I found a stack of stuff of storage bins that hadn’t been touched with some great vintage clothing. But sadly, when I found the boxes of shoes they all had dry rot.
I did purchase this amazing catalog. I see a book report in my future …
I found one room that was filled with boxes, but no light. And it was sketchy. The whole basement was open, but I pulled a few things out and I just couldn’t deal. NO LIGHT = scary in a crazy basement sale.
I didn’t buy a ton of stuff here, but she had so much that was bordering on time capsule material that it was really great.
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